Editorial: Introducing the Critic Bachelor

Posted 6:42pm Saturday 13th July 2024 by Nina Brown

Welcome back, everyone! I hope you’ve all had a very well earned and restful semester break. It’s been a bit of a ghost town in Dunedin with most people taking advantage of the break to ditch the frosty flats and either hit the ski slopes or your parents’ pantries and power bills. Read more...

Editorial: Read the Magazine, Goddammit

Posted 7:17pm Sunday 26th May 2024 by Nina Brown

Screw it, it’s the Tabloid issue. If there’s any week I’m allowed to be petty, it’s this one (it’s also the last print night of the semester and I’m a shiraz deep). I’m fed up being harassed about the crossword – part of the magazine I didn’t Read more...

Editorial: Vote ‘Yes’ to Sexy Garfield

Posted 2:55pm Sunday 19th May 2024 by Nina Brown

The OUSA referendum is coming up. Referendums are essentially one of the biggest ways students can influence the policies and stance of OUSA. Not that any of you noticed, but a couple weeks ago the OUSA exec were inviting students to submit questions that will be put to the student body on May 27th Read more...

Editorial: Popping My Capping Cherry

Posted 4:24pm Saturday 11th May 2024 by Nina Brown

Let’s get this out of the way: I’ve never been to the Capping Show. After talking to cappers for this issue, though, that’s something I really regret.  The Capping Show has been around for 130 years. It’s soldiered on through world wars, pandemics, and 33 seasons of Read more...

Editorial: The new logo DOESN’T look like bananas

Posted 7:40pm Sunday 5th May 2024 by Nina Brown

The Uni launched its new brand last week. Predictably, with the news came a parade of trolls snarling and gnashing their teeth at the “woke” and “tokenistic” new tohu (symbol) and ikoa Māori (name). The usual protocol would be to sit back and let them tire themselves out Read more...

Editorial: 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner Isn’t An Ick

Posted 9:13pm Friday 26th April 2024 by Nina Brown

This could end up being a shit yarn, but you’re lucky – all five of you who read the editorial – that there’s one at all given it was written through post-Hyde fog. Anyway, here’s why 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner isn’t an ick. Last year, for Anna’s Read more...

Editorial: Touch Some Grass

Posted 4:55pm Sunday 21st April 2024 by Nina Brown

We’re all saying it: winter is coming, and with it the winter blues. Soon enough it’ll have all of us in its clutches once more as we wallow in the sunless pit of North Dunedin. There are all kinds of things that are recommended to help you cope. My advice? Just touch some Read more...

Editorial: Stay Safe, Kids

Posted 1:08pm Sunday 14th April 2024 by Nina Brown

Welcome to the Drugs Issue. You may have picked that up already based on the bong-heavy design of both the cover and centrefold. We timed it to come out the week of Hyde Street Party and 4/20 – which conveniently happens to be the same day this year. I see you, OUSA. “Drugs” is Read more...

Editorial: We Need to Talk About Gaza

Posted 5:08pm Sunday 17th March 2024 by Nina Brown

We’re going to talk about Gaza. It would be a mistake to think that this is a decision Critic has taken lightly.  Editorship at Critic is constantly changing. Most editors only stay for one year, with former editor Fox breaking the mould by staying for two. And with each editor, the Read more...

Editorial: But Why is the Fun Gone?

Posted 1:15pm Sunday 10th March 2024 by Nina Brown

Students can’t seem to catch a fucking break. There’s something in the water, and it’s certainly not rum. Nothing alcohol-related, adjacent, or even slightly hinting at the A-word. That’s a bad word now.  I’d like to start with the disclaimer that we’re Read more...

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