Advice On How To Be A Solo Zen-Dog Traveller For A Year

Advice On How To Be A Solo Zen-Dog Traveller For A Year

If you’re trying to find yourself, a good place to look is Southeast Asia. If you want to make your trip last a lifetime, get a little tattoo on your wrist or ankle, as a symbol of your personal growth. Reconciling your basic bitch aesthetic with finding yourself while travelling is quite hard. You’ll pay too much for ugly hippy pants. Which is expected as the white hippie vibe is the basic bitch vibe of being spiritual. But you’ll be doing lots of yoga so it’s totally worth it. Another thing you’ll do is drugs, and it will be ‘spiritual’. The most important part of being a zen-dog traveller is having the right gear. Here’s a gear list to help you out.

Gear list:

  • 1 x lightweight linen pants (only one pair because you’ll purchase at least three hippy pants while you are away)
  • Bandana
  • Birkenstocks
  • The coolest travellers don’t take a bag over 40L
  • All clothing must be breathable thermalite ripstock nyolon, X-pro
  • Electrolytes for diarrhoea
  • Stoppers (or a butt plug if you’re on a budget) for when you need to take an overnight bus ride with diarrhoea
  • Film camera that you don’t know how to use so you can transcend the world of Instagram and only take one photo a day so you’re living your experience, but take a photo of it when you get home to put on your Insta so everyone can see how spiritual and in touch with the world you are now
  • Kathmandu roll up jewellery case for all the crystals that you collect
  • Two fanny packs, one is for aesthetics and in case you get robbed at gunpoint and one that you keep under your clothing to hold your passport
  • Cargo top with around 50 pockets
  • Tie-dye tee
  • Too many pairs of togs
  • Half a bag full of ‘classic’ literature, to develop yourself. You’ll never actually read them, but you’ll look like you’re trying and that’s what really matters.

Congratulations on deciding to travel, attempting to be interesting and probably not finding your spiritual core, but believing you have.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Aroha nui,

Mama Zo, Aunt Kell and Cousin Mong (Emily Moore).

This article first appeared in Issue 10, 2018.
Posted 5:07pm Saturday 5th May 2018 by Zoe Taptiklis-Haymes and Kelly Davenport.