Local breatha Thomas Bangerson has been using his somewhat upcoming, mostly failing career as a house DJ as his prime drawcard on Tinder. The only reason he isn’t playing the big stage, he claimed, “was because we’re in red, so I’m at the same level as Subsonic, really”. When Critic disputed this claim, Thomas said “yeah, well, whatever, man”. This strategy may come back to bite the local second year when Covid settings are relaxed and he no longer has an excuse. Thomas told his few matches “Yeah, it sucks man, I just really miss the buzz that performing in front of a crowd used to give me”. However, in a rare moment of candour he admitted that he was glad that he has yet to be called on to follow through on inviting girls to his gig. He is still practising his set to his six flatmates three times a week just in case Cindy decides his time has come, and he is losing matches quickly. More to come.
Posted 1:24pm Sunday 10th April 2022 by The Critical Tribune.
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