Fringe Fest Gettin’ Fruity

Fringe Fest Gettin’ Fruity

Critic’s on that culture grind, lowkey

Call your mum for a cheeky bank transfer because the Fringe Festival is back, running March 14th until the 24th in our very own Ōtepoti Dunedin. The annual arts festival (because this fringe isn’t just a phase!) will feature 86 events, dipping its toes into the student market by inviting comedians, photographers, and a myriad of other artists from on campus. Critic oozed culture at the programme launch a couple weeks ago, claiming ‘journalism’ whilst sipping on free drinks and nibbling more cheese than the Countdown rats. Non-pretentiously, of course. 

Billed as a multidisciplinary arts festival, the Fringe Festival features multimedia exhibits, stand-up comedy, wine tastings, and more, so one can expect to feel every emotion at a Dunedin Fringe show. Though the scope of the festival is broad, it has historically emphasised its stand-up comedy acts, a trend which appears to have continued this year with scheduled shows for Eli Matthewson, David Correos, and Donna Brookbanks set to fizz. 

Arm-in-arm with these nationally recognised comedians is studentville’s very own Tama Alexander, who is set to open minds and hearts with his aptly titled show ‘Breatha’. This comes hot off the heels of his successful show last Fringe: ‘Fresher’. 

Tama isn’t the only student set to feature prominently in the festival’s proceedings, with photographer Rosie Roache giving a few glimpses of our beloved ’hood in her work. Rosie and Tama’s experiences give credence to the idea that anyone can register for Fringe and establish a show. 

Speaking to this, Ruth Harvey and Kate Schrader, from the Dunedin Fringe leadership team, told Critic Te Ārohi, “Fringe is a gateway into the creative community. If art and creativity are what you're into, there's all sorts of opportunities to get involved and meet like-minded people. Plus, it makes Dunedin a more fun and interesting place to live during your studies, whether or not you grew up in Ōtepoti. Events range from affordable to free so get amongst!”. 

Most events at Fringe Festival can be accessed through virtual attendance. Group and concession deals are available to students on the Dunedin Fringe website. ‘Shall we send it to town’ is about to have a whole new meaning after Fringe

This article first appeared in Issue 1, 2024.
Posted 5:29pm Sunday 25th February 2024 by Gryffin Blockley.