Jan 20 - Feb 18
Things are going well, aren’t they? The progress you’ve been seeing will continue so long as your attitude remains positive. Don’t get yourself down.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Roleplay as the cast of Cars 2.
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Cupid’s arrow has been firing this week. ARE YOU NEXT?
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Make a sexy playlist featuring local music.
Mar 21 - Apr 19
If you’re concerned about being too loud, congrats, because you’re being too loud. Sometimes it’s better to listen than to ramble.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Audio porn.
Apr 20 - May 20
You need to put down the LEGO set and find the clit. Sometimes it’s not all about you.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Ask them to call you Mr. Worldwide.
May 21 - Jun 20
It’s hopeless, I know. Nobody is responding to you, and it’s probably because you’ve convinced yourself you don’t deserve it. Treat yourself to a nice evening, and remember who’s #1 before looking for #2.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: There’s a plethora of vibrators out there, most of them are very quiet.
Jun 21 - July 22
Is she really that into you? Probably best not to send that risky message. Do a bit more recon before going all in.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Try a new lotion.
July - Aug 22
Remember: it’s not you, it’s them. It’s always them. You don’t need to change a thing.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Inflatable Sex Doll 3000.
Aug 23 - Sep 22
There have been a lot of Minions in your life recently, and it’s only going to get worse. Embrace it before it embraces you.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Sexy pics.
Sep 23 - Oct 22
You need to embrace the sudden invites out, forget about work, and have a good time. Also, your drug test is not going to pass.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Grapefruit your man.
Oct 23 - Nov 21
If you’ve been feeling a little lonely lately, it’s probably because you need to take a shower. People can smell it, it’s not cute, and you need to fix it.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Butt (and nose) plugs.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Workplace drama is about to unfold to a whole new level. Make sure to keep notes.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Tell them beatboxing is your kink.
Dec 22 - Jan 19
He’s a little young for you, but that’s never stopped you before. Just keep in mind that boys mature slower than girls.
Fun way to spice up the bedroom this week: Ski gear strip tease.